
Carbon Capture and Storage is…

Essential to Achieving State Goals

The California Air Resources Board's Scoping Plan recognizes Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) as necessary for reaching carbon neutrality by 2045. Building out lower carbon energy technology to power our economy and ensure energy reliability takes time. CCS is a critical bridge technology that is available now. It is globally endorsed by influential bodies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), European Commission and the United Nations (UN) as a viable technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

A Proven Technology

 There are more than 200 CCS projects in operation or development around the globe, including projects like The Illinois Clean Fuels Project in the United States and the Gorgon Project in Australia. Its successful deployment worldwide demonstrates scalability and adaptability. With multiple projects in various stages of development, California can leverage this global experience by integrating CCS into its diverse energy and industrial sectors, resulting in immediate benefits.

Ready to Deploy in California

California's global climate leadership hinges on swift policy action to support the immediate deployment of CCS technology. Advancing CCS initiatives can help stimulate economic growth by supporting local jobs and economies, particularly in communities at the forefront of the state's energy transition. To seize federal and private funding opportunities and propel CCS projects forward, California must take decisive and urgent measures. By doing so, the state can reinforce its commitment to combating climate change while capitalizing on available resources to drive sustainable innovation and economic prosperity.

Our mission is to educate and advocate for the urgent and rapid deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) as an essential bridge technology to help California meet its 2045 carbon neutrality goals.

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